
Juliet Feminine Laser Treatment


What is Juliet Feminine Laser Treatment and How Does it Work?

Juliet is a minimally invasive treatment that uses light energy to “dermablate” or gently and safely damage the outermost layer of dermal cells, stimulating a rapid healing process in the untreated cells nearby. This rapid healing process boosts the body’s natural production of collagen.

Vaginal atrophy, vaginal dryness and urinary incontinence are a few of the conditions that tend to be caused or exacerbated by low collagen production, which occurs over time as hormone levels fluctuate.

But Juliet laser treatment doesn’t involve hormones in any way; It only targets the skin. Recovery time is rapid, and the treatment itself is so mild and painless that it requires no anesthetic at all.

What are the Benefits?

Improved collagen production changes the shape and contours of the vaginal-vulvar area to restore lost elasticity. New cell growth and rapid tissue healing also stimulate increased vascularity, or blood flow to the area, which means improved tissue health and condition. Similar to gentle, light-based laser treatments for the face, a mild disruption to the dermal cells can stimulate fresh growth and rejuvenation, leading to better blood flow, oxygen delivery, vibrancy and tone.

Increased vascularity means increased mucosal production, which can support more rewarding intercourse, and tightening the tissue of the urethral area can reduce the structural weakness that contributes to incontinence.

Juliet feminine laser treatment brings almost no side effects, no pain, and very minimal risk. But you’ll want to schedule a consultation to find out if this technology can target the conditions affecting you. Most patients experience noticeable, measurable improvements after the just the first treatment. Learn more right here, and feel free to contact our team with your questions!


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Anti-Aging Laser Institute
Office Locations

117 Wickenden St.
Providence, RI 02903
Sunday: Closed
Monday: 4 P.M to 7 P.M. Appointment only.
Tuesday: 9 A.M to 6 P.M
Wednesday: Closed
Thursday: 9 A.M to 6 P.M
Fridays: 12 P.M to 7 P.M
Saturday: 10 A.M to 5 P.M

Text/Call: (508) 971-9803
Email: info@aalinstitute.com


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