
PICO-Genesis: The Future of Spot Correction and Repair


As perplexing as these questions may be when we look at our hands, they deepen when it comes to the changing skin tone around our cheeks and face. Faces are more exposed to the damaging rays of the sun than almost any other part of the body, and even if you apply sunscreen every day, there’s no way to avoid shifting melanin concentrations over the long term.

But there IS a way to reduce the appearance of spots, freckles, tattoos and inconsistent skin tone. And this method happens to be non-invasive, reliable, and measurably effective within just two treatments.

This method is called PICO-genesis, a laser treatment that uses ultrashort wave pulses to disrupt the outmost layer of skin cells.

Does it Hurt?

PICO-genesis treatment is non-thermal and rapid, and it represents a vast improvement over high intensity laser methods, which cause pain and can come with long recovery times. By contrast, PICO-genesis has been compared to a rubber band snap against the skin, a quick zing that doesn’t hurt after the treatment ends. Some redness may occur, but this or mild swelling will usually disappear within a few hours.

Risks and Side Effects

Outdated thermal treatments can lead—in a small number of cases—to itching, scarring, or infections. The results of these treatments aren’t always predictable, either. What began as a small spot or tattoo may end up as a scar or a different kind of discoloration. But with PICO-genesis, these risks are almost non-existent. You’ll just need to receive the treatment for 20 or 30 minutes and then wait for about two weeks for new skin cells to grow across the targeted area.

Even if you aren’t concerned about freckles and spots, a single treatment can even out general skin tone and make the skin more radiant. This is because the pigment particles in skin are very small and dense, but they’re easy to break up with quick picosecond (smaller than a nanosecond) pulses.

As with any treatment, you may or may not be a candidate, and the advisability of the procedure will depend on your specific circumstances. But PICO-Genesis is safe and effective for almost everyone. Just schedule a consultation with our experts to confirm that it’s the best method for you!


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Providence, RI 02903
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Monday: 4 P.M to 7 P.M. Appointment only.
Tuesday: 9 A.M to 6 P.M
Wednesday: Closed
Thursday: 9 A.M to 6 P.M
Fridays: 12 P.M to 7 P.M
Saturday: 10 A.M to 5 P.M

Text/Call: (508) 971-9803
Email: info@aalinstitute.com


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