
Optimal Body Composition


Body weight has become a core component of health culture, as any manufacturer of bathroom scales can attest. It’s easy and simple to assume that a heavier person is carrying too much body fat, and vice versa, and it’s easy to assume that a “just right” body weight is a positive sign… even if the body in question belongs to a person who is at risk of a nutritional deficiency, or a gut imbalance, or poor skin, or nutrition-related issues with mood and mental health.

There’s only one problem. This simple metric just doesn’t work. Body weight alone is a very weak indicator of health, and in fact, weight alone is a weak indicator of how much body fat we’re carrying around. And even if the scale could tell us something important about our AMOUNT of body fat, it can’t tell us about the type of fat we’re carrying and how potentially unhealthy that type may be.

The Alternative: Optimal Body Composition

Here at AALI, we recognize that the weight numbers on the scale reflect everything in us—not just fat. Weight includes bone, muscle, fluid, intestinal contents, and swelling due to inflammation. What we really want to know when we step on the scale should be framed as a different kind of question: Not “How fat am I?” but instead, “Is my weight reflecting a healthy proportion of each of these components?”

We’ve developed a system that can help answer this question. Optimal Body Composition is a metric based on more than just weight alone. When we apply this metric to a client, we factor in every measurement that can account for muscle density, bone strength, body proportion and fluid content.

And when we’ve determined your Optimal Body Composition, we can help you take the next step. We’ll work together with you to develop a nutritional plan based on your unique body type, your lifestyle, and your own personal goals.

Our advanced nutritional program can help you stay fit, healthy, and nutritionally balanced, no matter what the bathroom scale may say. Optimal Body Composition doesn’t just mean a lean appearance; it means health in every sense of the word, including better moods, better sleep, more radiant skin and slower aging. Want to learn more? Contact our clinic and we’ll answer your questions and arrange a consultation!



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Anti-Aging Laser Institute
Office Locations

117 Wickenden St.
Providence, RI 02903
Sunday: Closed
Monday: 4 P.M to 7 P.M. Appointment only.
Tuesday: 9 A.M to 6 P.M
Wednesday: Closed
Thursday: 9 A.M to 6 P.M
Fridays: 12 P.M to 7 P.M
Saturday: 10 A.M to 5 P.M

Text/Call: (508) 971-9803
Email: info@aalinstitute.com


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