
Micro-needling: A Tested and Proven Procedure


It’s collagen, and collagen’s close relative elastin, that gives youthful, healthy skin its radiant glow. So the harder skin cells can be pushed to generate these miracle hormones, the faster new growth can occur and damaged cells and toxins can be cleared away.

Micro-needling, a procedure that’s common, well-tested, proven, and widely available since the 1990’s, seems to provide a near-perfect way to stimulate this cell growth and turnover.  

Is Micro-needling Safe and Painless?

The procedure isn’t totally painless, but the sensation is so mild that anesthetic is rarely needed. A wand or roller outfitted with almost microscopic needles is gently smoothed across the skin in the targeted region, and these needles leave behind a set of microscopic punctures. While the visual effect may look rough, and some very mild bleeding is inevitable, the sensation is typically compared to gentle contact with sandpaper.  Most patients have no trouble with the procedure as it takes place.

What Happens Next?

Since collagen stimulation requires minor disturbance or “damage” to the outer dermal layers of the skin, a certain plump and smooth quality will occur as the initial needle punctures heal. This is a temporary effect, but after a second or third treatment, the boost in collagen production will continue long after the skin heals and minor inflammation recedes. The effect can last a long time and can dramatically diminish the appearance of fine lines, acne scars, discolorations and dark spots.

Can I do Micro-needling at Home?

You can—in some cases—but this procedure should ideally be performed by a licensed provider in a clinical setting, even if it seems like very little can go wrong. Consult with your dermatologist before you attempt to handle the procedure on your own, and if you have eczema, rosacea, acne or dermatitis, always trust your skin to a professional.  Also, make sure your treatments are properly spaced. Healthier results come from treatments that allow enough time for the skin to fully heal between applications.

Contact our team for an initial consultation, and if you choose micro-needling, consider pairing your treatment (which only affects the outermost skin layer) with lasers or RF. These procedures stimulate collagen production in deeper dermal layers, and may be safely and effectively added to micro-needling for stronger results.


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Anti-Aging Laser Institute
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117 Wickenden St.
Providence, RI 02903
Sunday: Closed
Monday: 4 P.M to 7 P.M. Appointment only.
Tuesday: 9 A.M to 6 P.M
Wednesday: Closed
Thursday: 9 A.M to 6 P.M
Fridays: 12 P.M to 7 P.M
Saturday: 10 A.M to 5 P.M

Text/Call: (508) 971-9803
Email: info@aalinstitute.com


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